

Hello, my name is Subramanian, and I’m fondly called GS. For a yoga trainer, I am happy to have achieved harmony and balance between my vocation and my avocation. My corporate existence of over 2 decades has helped me gain knowledge and expertise in several fields such as Customer Service, Technical Support, Legal Process Outsourcing, Media Operations and Client Relationship Management.

thejoyriver.com came to existence to share my yoga life and travel experiences to promote health and wellness through natural supplements, eco-tourism experiences, and share toolkits for modern yogic life.

You can write to me about anything at gs@thejoyriver.com

Certified Yoga Instructor

Practicing hatha yoga since age 5, and have applied myself to 600 hours of teacher training of hatha yoga, ayurveda and anatomy.

Trained Scuba Diver

I'm a PADI-certified Advanced Open Water scuba diver, exploring dive spots and underwater photography in the South China Sea and Pacific Ocean.

Green Panther

I strongly believe that this world has been lend to us by the children, and we need to preserve it in the best shape and pass it on to our children.

Years of Experience
hours of structured learning
Toltal Students
Countries travelled and worked

Testimonials from my students...

Joy is a feeling from within and reaches beyond oneself, unlike happiness. Life is like a river, flow of events making memories for ourselves, people and things around us. Memories are, in fact, the only things we create that live longer and larger than life itself. Joyriver is a platform to share memories and make every moment count and enjoyable.

© All rights reserved. The Joyriver Company.


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